Finding the Job of Your Dreams... by Jane Falkner

Finding the Job of Your Dreams – A Unique Company Helps You Navigate Your Way

by Jane Falkner


Finding the job of your dreams, even finding any job these days, can be quite difficult. While there are some companies and agencies that offer help, far too often this assistance falls short. What can a jobseeker or career-changer do? A unique agency, known as The Avadon Group, just may have the answer.

Our reporter, Jane Falkner, caught up with Avadon CEO and Founder, Norma Owen, to learn more about Avadon’s mission and structure, but, more importantly, what this unique career foundations provider can do for you as you pursue your dream job.

Q: Norma, please tell us, what is Avadon?
A: Jane, Avadon is a unique company that helps people find meaningful work by empowering them to help themselves.

Q: How does Avadon create this empowerment?
A: Rather than just teaching everyone the same concepts, we... More (full text of the article).

To read the full text of this article, please click the link above to download a PDF of the premiere issue of Avadon's The Key newsletter. (If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click the link below to download the free Reader app, then return here to download the article PDF.)

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