A key Avadon Group associate, Carolyn is a Social Development Specialist and Development Management Consultant with substantial worldwide experience in melding corporate, community, and individual interests for the mutual benefit and success of all parties concerned. From her extensive efforts overseas, she has shown that Avadons Social Conscience theories are not just economically sustainable, but economically successful.
Within the Group, she will address the cross-cultural agenda in Avadons training, business management and community development work. These efforts will take two key paths. The first involves helping businesses secure a continuous stream of capable employees by ensuring that each new employment group is empowered and has the skills to become efficient, productive workers. The second involves ensuring that American businesses develop the cultural sensitivity and skills they require to become truly successful in the global marketplace.
Well versed with the policy and operational concerns of community work in developing countries, Carolyn has helped raise the bar for corporate responsibility and community participation in the social and environmental impact assessment of often controversial mega-projects.
For the past 18 years, her focus has been on the integration of social concerns in the design and implementation of development projects in the Asia-Pacific region and Africa. This focus has enabled her to work with the largest development organizations in the world, including USAID, AusAid, and the European Union; and such multilateral organizations as the UN Development Program, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and African Development Bank.